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    How Xb Consultants Works ?

    Choose and Apply

    Search hundreds of U.S. universities with one click and apply to your favorite universities.

    Get Matched

    Complete a short survey and our expert admission counselors will find the universities that match your profile and budget.

    Apply with xb-consultants

    Save on the Application Fee, Tuition Fee and receive expert help on the application and visa process for free.

    Popular Universities

    Why Choose XB Consultants?

    No Consultancy Fee First Time

    We never charge any consultancy Fee.

    100+ Universities

    Huge database of partner Universities mean you will have greater selection of universities.


    Affordability matters! We partnered with many low tuition fee institutions.

    Made in Bangladesh

    We are a Bangladesh based student counseling startup. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standard.
